The hairy beast and her bald side kick...........
Maddox Leo Sandoval........ Named after Papa Leo
Did you know that Spidergirl rides a scooter?
I don't suggest making a Sams Club run with a full cart of children...
Tori Jo and her new little girl, Blayke Alayna Wackerman.........
Jaxon and his cousin Carson tearing in up on the wood floor...
Here's the scoop......... Breanne had baby Maddox on Tuesday. He was two weeks early and weighed in at a healthy 7.11. He is healthy and beautiful. I think he looks exactly like his sister Sophie. I had Halle come and hang out at our house for a couple of days. Jaxon had the time of his life with his cousin here. They terrorized my whole house! On Thanksgiving we rolled out to my moms house and ate a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. All the babies were born and present. There are now three little cousin born within 8 weeks of each other.
I wish Breanne and Noel the best of luck with their ever growing tribe, I wish I had leftovers for turkey sandwiches, and I am so thankful for the live I have been blessed with.