Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lets just pretend

Today I made these perfect treats for my perfect family. I had these gorgeous raspberries laying around(local, of course). I tossed in chocolate chips for a sweet surprise! yummy...
Then I felt like my makeup brushes were lacking a proper home, so I let them live here instead of in a drawer.

   I had an extra hour and so little old me added some funky lace to Ivy's "baby legs" for a hot and sexy fall look. To die for! Seriously....
                                           I threw together this darling kids art display while they napped.
   and added a little style to the whole art room when they woke up from their incredibley long naps.
and then I ordered these hot little numbers online throwing my fear of  "Cankles" to the wind.
                     I treated my family to this Candy Corn Cheesecake for desert because... Let's face it. Cheesecake needed a update.
I wanted original Halloween yard decor..... So I threw the ratty old scarecrows away, and hand crafted these lovely ghost dress silhouettes instead. I think they turned out great. What do you think?
         I finally found a way to make my stairs more functional. I can't believe it took this long..............
                                                                   I worked out.
                                                             Got my nails DID..............
I wrote a long overdue entry in my, "Gratitude Journal" about how grateful I am that my husband looks just like Rob Lowe. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful.
I was so grateful that I put a photo of the two of us in a mason jar with olive oil and then I remembered that none of this stuff was real at all, and the people in the picture wasn't even us. I was just clicking around on PINTREST pretending that I was so awesome.


Garth and Alicia said...

So funny. I do love the makeup brushes idea. Well-all of the ideas..If only...Thanks for making me giggle...

Ross and Dannielle said...

Lol. I loved this post.....thanks for the laugh. ;)