To make a long story short, Uncle Randy gave Jaxon a full deer skeleton last weekend. Jaxon has been admiring it lovingly everyday since. Last night we walked in the door to find it chewed to pieces on the living room rug. Our dog Lucy must have mistaken it for a treat. I knew Jax would be crushed and so I had Ross distract him while I cleaned it up and threw it in the trash. Not 5 minutes Later Jaxon comes in the kitchen and tells me that he thinks someone came inside while we were gone and stole something really special to him. I had to come clean and tell him what had happened to the stinky deer skeleton. After he was done crying and telling me how much he hated Lucy, he had me go through the trash and save him the biggest tooth. I did it and later found him writing this note(above) to the Tooth Fairy. In case you can't decipher the words here is the English translation: Hi, I am Jaxon. I want a deer skeleton if you can get it. Thank You, Jaxon |
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This is the big stinky tooth I had to pull out of the garbage that went under his pillow with the note to the Tooth Fairy. |
This is the letter the Tooth Fairy left under his pillow. Translation: Thank You so much for the lovely deer tooth. I have never seen one so big and yellow before. I don't have a full deer skeleton in my bag tonight. I normally just carry money and glitter. Please accept this money instead and I will be working hard this year to bring you a skeleton.
Love, The Tooth Fairy
We need an update if he was satisfied with the Tooth Fairy's answer!
You'll have to give an update on whether or not this was a satisfying answer from the Tooth Fairy!
We need an update if he was satisfied with the Tooth Fairy's answer!
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