Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Griffin

The new daddy and I
Roscoe and the new Mommy

They are now officially a family... Baby makes 3

I have been waiting a long time for this girl to join me in the motherhood club. Congrats to the Griffins on their new little angel from above. I can't wait for our kids to grow up together...........

Some of mine and ross's best friends welcomed their first baby boy to their family. Whityn Mckay Griffin is just perfect and precious in every way. He is two weeks old today and has the biggest hands I've ever seen. I know they will both make amazing parents. My kids love these two to death. We couldn't be more happy for both of you guys.. A big congrats from the Carson's. The Griffins have also joined the blogging world. You can watch them in their new journeys at

1 comment:

The Griffins said...

I love this!!!! Thank you!!! Here's to Screaming trips to Idaho Falls!!!! Love it! Love you.