Thursday, May 29, 2008

All the cool girls are knocked up!

Both my sisters and I are pregnant! My Mom is getting ready for three new grandbabies. Anyone that knows her knows this is like her dream come true. She is a professional baby snuggler. I'm due only 10 days before Calyn, and Breanne will be due in December. Cali's having a boy, me a girl, and Bre's is still a mystery baby. We will all be very suprised if it's not another girl for her. There has to nothing more exciting than being pregnant with all of your sisters. I feel like we should all move to Provo or something! I'm sure there will be many more pictures of all the sisters and their ever growing bellies. Breanne's in the lead with Halle (4), sophie (1) and one more on the way. I'm holding strong in second place with my little Jaxon and my baby bump. Calyn is dead last with this being her first. Some how I think she'll have more than both of us in the long run though! Only time will tell.


The Bell Family said...

Where's Breanne? You guys are so cute! Pretty soon your bellies will be touching when you pose for pics. How fun to be prego with both your sisters...that's kind of a dream of mine.

The Keetch Family said...

i'm calling you bluff on this one afton. you're not pregnant. that's a little pillow you stuff in your shirt.

seriously you are one of the cutest prego girls i've seen....lucky you!

how fun for your kids to have cousins their same age....

Requel said...

It is really fun to be prego with your sisters! It took me a while to be excited cause I thought Rachel was stilling my thunder! I wanted to have to first Grand baby. I beat her by 2 months. So fun!!

Tito and The Gang said...

Holy smokes you're cute!